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How will the workflow be like?
Customer enters your Store
Step 1

Customer enters your Store

As soon as customers enter, the camera recognizes them from the existing customer database with little to no delay at all, regardless of the size of the customer base. If they are first-time customers, they can easily register themselves with the camera, and their entry is automatically recorded. The recognition and recording process is done with minimized effort and expenditure from your side, allowing for smooth and effective translation.

The store manager gets customers' data
Step 2

The store manager gets customers' data

While the customers enter and are recognized in real-time, their information is immediately transferred to the manager, who can then easily allocate and assign available workers to those corresponding customers with negligible effort through this platform all in real time. This negates any hindrances in providing assistance to the customers, as the platform can easily handle and organize that.
Your workers can now cater the customers
Step 3

Your workers can now cater the customers

The workers, who are instantly equipped with the details of their assigned customers like recommended purchases based on previous shopping experience,bill history,location and much more and can cater to them with utmost accuracy, precision and efficiency, based on what they require. This ensures that the customers receive uninterrupted, customized, and instantaneous support to make their shopping trip proceed with complete ease and comfortability.

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